Wine glasses

The glass is wine’s main fruition tool. First, for what its purpose is, it has to accomplish a basic technical duty: it has to enhance all sensorial virtues of the wine inside it while at the meantime adding aesthetic beauty to the table where it stays on. Concerning a glass’s technical functionality, its dimension and the material it is made of represent its determining parameters. It is very significant how the same wine could offer different sensorial perceptions according to the shape and the size of the glasses. This is the reason why producers develop and sell many differently priced and valued lines of glasses whose characteristics are studied and realized for such a specific purpose, as it is to magnify the sensations the sensations that each kind of wine can offer. The difference is not only in how the liquid settles and moves inside the glass, what more importantly changes is how close our nose will be allowed to get to such liquid and to the embracing crystal. There are certain glasses that are optimized for sparkling wines, they are called flute and they are slender, thin and long exactly for the purpose of exalting the visualization of their pearly bubbling updraft.


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